Friday, February 26, 2010

Figure Study

The consensus in crit was the my poorly drawn feet. I didn't detail them because it wasn't the focus... unfortunately it caused the opposite affect because the totally distracted people from the rest of my painting! I plan to go back and make their shape more detailed, as well as adjust some of the highlights and shadows to conform to the light source better.

I chose to do a figure drawing for my major (communication arts), colored pencil as the medium I am comfortable with, and gauche as my medium which I haven't used (Also, I used some microns to touch up and detail some areas).

Despite some difficulties, I really enjoyed making this piece. Working with gauche was... interesting. I did a practice before this piece, which was very helpful when I did my final. In retrospect, I wish I had made the adjustments I mentioned in the previous paragraph, as well as made a slightly bigger piece (it looked so tiny on the wall!!). Overall, though, I am happy with the result.

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